මහමෙව්නාව බ්‍රිස්බේන් අසපුවේ වාර්ෂික දායකත්ව ලබා ගැනීම සදහා ඔබට දුර්ලභ අවස්ථාවක් උදා වී ඇත. දුරකථන අංකය: 0476 411 356 ඔස්සේ ඔබට වැඩි විස්තර ලබා ගත හැක.

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Brisbane

There is a great deal of suffering in the life of anyone who was born into this world. Buddhism helps understand this reality and reveals the one and only path to free one’s self from this entire suffering. Buddhism is the Dhamma that consists of discourses preached by the Buddha. The Dhamma was well taught with a comparable beginning, middle, and end. Irrelevant of the time of practicing, the Dhamma can be understood in this very own life. Anyone can be asked to come and witness it. Like a person uses a mirror to see the reflected image of himself, a disciple needs to see his/her own life with the mirror of Dhamma. One of the main characteristics of the Dhamma is its ability to open/prepare someone’s mind to realize it according to the person’s wisdom. This is why the Dhamma is remarkable and esteemed.

Frequently asked questions

What is Buddhism?

There is a great deal of suffering in the life of anyone who was born into this world. Buddhism helps understand this reality and reveals the one and only path to free one’s self from this entire suffering. Buddhism is the Dhamma that consists of discourses preached by the Buddha. The Dhamma was well taught with a comparable beginning, middle, and end. Irrelevant to the time of practicing, the Dhamma can be understood in this very own life. Anyone can be asked to come and witness it. Like a person uses a mirror to see the reflected image of himself, a disciple needs to see his/her own life with the mirror of Dhamma. One of the main characteristics of the Dhamma is its ability to open/prepare someone’s mind to realize it according to the person’s wisdom. This is why the Dhamma is remarkable and esteemed.

කඨින පුණ්‍යමහෝත්සවය

නමෝ බුද්ධාය!

සොඳුරු වස්සාන සමය නිමාවට පත්කරවමින් බ්‍රිස්බේන් නුවර මහමෙව්නාව භාවනා අසපුවෙහි පවත්වනු ලබන කඨින පුණ්‍ය මහෝත්සවය…

සසර ගමන නිමාවට පත්කරනු ලබන, සිඳිය නොහැකි අසිරිමත් පිනක් ඔබගේ ජීවිතයට කැන්දාලන, වස් අවසාන කඨින පුණ්‍යමහෝත්සවය ඔක්තෝම්බර් මස 26 වන සෙනසුරාදා දින උදෑසන 8.00 සිට Logan West Community Centre හීදී පැවැත්වීමට කටයුතු සංවිධානය කරමින් පවතී….

මේ උදාරතර පින අනුමෝදන් ව ගෞතම බුදු සසුනෙහි පිහිට පිළිසරණ ලබනු රිසි සැදැහැති ඔබ සැමට මෙත් සිතින් ආරාධනා…

ඉල් මස සීල භාවනා වැඩසටහන

672 Middle Road, Greenbank, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 4113 Phone: 476411356

Juකහ Date: 20 Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

ආරාම පූජා...

සිව්දිගින් වඩින මහා සංඝරත්නය උදෙසා යමෙක් කුටි සෙනසුන් සාදා පූජා කරනු ලබත් ද, හේ වනාහී සියල්ල දන් දුන්නා වේ.

-කිංදද සූත්‍රය-

For You

Our Events

Friday Dhamma sermon

For your

Children's, Youth and Adults

Monthly Sil and Meditation Program

This is a full-day program held on the 1st Sunday of each month from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm held at the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Brisbane (672, Midlle RD, Greenbank, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia) This program includes the observance of the Eight Precepts, Buddha Puja, Dhamma sermons, Meditation, Dhamma discussions, and various meritorious activities throughout the day.

Sunday Dhamam School

This program, held in the English Language, is a support framework intended to assist children to develop wholesome spiritual qualities from an early age. Children between the ages of 5 to 15 are divided by age category and taught at the classroom level under the advice and guidance of the monks of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Brisbane and their respective teachers. You too can enroll your child in this Dhamma School which is conducted with the intention of gifting a gratifying generation of children to the future by providing them with a comprehensive understanding about protecting the five precepts, non-violence, kindness, compassion, respecting the elderly, honoring teachers and other virtuous human qualities through the teachings of the Supreme Buddha.

Thawathinsa Yathra Program

This program is targeted at helping to develop wholesome qualities and nourishing one’s life with Dhamma, and is conducted with the participation of members of the Thawathinsa Yathra Organization. This program, especially targeted at the youth and also open to all others, is held on the Forth Sunday of every month from 4. oo pm to 5.00 pm at the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Brisbane. This Dhamma program, which is held in addition to the social service activities conducted by Thawathinsa Yathra Organization, is held in the Sinhala language and is open to anyone willing to join.

Online Book shop

When we study the teachings of the Buddha in the Sutta Piṭaka and the Vinaya Piṭaka, the Buddha’s majestic glory and a life free of defilements dazzle before our eyes. It is impossible to think of anything or anyone more wonderful and marvelous than the Buddha. Many books have been written on the life of the Buddha. But this book is not a scholarly study, rather, this book was written in the way that a disciple who has gone for refuge in the Buddha would view his Teacher. The life of the Blessed One, the Dhamma he realized, and his disciples born of the Dhamma—the Saṅgha—cannot be separated. In this biography of the Buddha, the interconnection of the Triple Gem has been taken into consideration as much as possible. Also, other beings such as devas and Brahmās who live in far-away worlds are mentioned to show the Buddha in his capacity as the supreme spiritual teacher of the universe, the teacher of devas and humans. If by reading Buddha: the Marvelous Sage someone is inspired to happily go for refuge to the Buddha by saying buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, then the purpose of this book will have been served. Why so? Because to go for refuge to a Buddha is the rarest blessing a being can receive in saṃsāra. By reading this book, may you too have the good fortune to receive this blessing! Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnānānanda Thera.


672 Middle Road, Greenbank, Brisbane, QLD, Australia 4113

+61 476411356

Waduwawa, Yatigal Oluwa, Polgahawela, Polgahawela, Sri Lanka

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Let us live happily then, not hating those who hate us! among men who hate us let us dwell free from hatred! The Supreme Buddha

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